About Amoy

Quality And Reliability

Established in 1908, Amoy founded their cornerstone on the quality and reliability of the products across generations. With over a hundred and eleven years of history, the centennial brand stands firmly by the people of Hong Kong with their products of outstanding quality and take care of the needs and demands from everyone of us. In 1987 Amoy built a production plant in Tai Po. From production, management to packaging and distribution, every single procedure is closely managed and monitored by the company.

Exploring New Market

Amoy aims at providing new products that suit the taste of customers, which originates from their care for the needs and expectations of people. The group is keen on exploring potential new markets and inventing new products. For example, the premium oyster sauce with scallop and All purpose marinade are revolutionary products to many home kitchens. Dim sum has been well-received. In 2000 and 2001, Amoy introduced the Ding Ding Cheong Fun (rice noodle rolls) and Ding Ding Congee respectively, which was a breakthrough in the market of frozen food. The frozen food provided by Amoy is not only diversified and delicious, but also extremely convenient for customers.

Huge Markets

Today, Amoy products are marketed in more than 40 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Europe and other countries. Our extensive distribution network ensures that Amoy products are available around the world.

South East Asia
Hong Kong
Autralia / New Zealand


Enjoy Quality Food Brings Perfect Smiles!


We are passionate about bringing enjoyment to our global customers by creating the most delicious and reliable food products that continuously meet their changing needs. We achieve this through a highly collaborative efficient team and a commitment to develop our people to the best of their abilities.


Passion for Excellence - We bring peace of mind and enjoyment to consumers and customers by understanding their expectations and challenging ourselves to continuously raise the bar on the quality of our food products and services. We are passionate about bringing enjoyment to our global customers by creating the most delicious and reliable food products that continuously meet their changing needs. We achieve this through a highly collaborative efficient team and a commitment to develop our people to the best of their abilities.

Passion for people - We work as a unified, high performing team by helping employees develop skills and behaviors, openly embracing diverse views and honestly communicating brutal facts through the GEMBA principle.

Passion for Society - We strive to deliver value to our communities by actively seeking ways to make people’s food life richer and more fulfilling, acting with the utmost fairness and ethical standards, and honouring our commitments.

Eight culture & comments

Amoy deeply recognizes the importance of "human-oriented" principle and the close link between corporate responsibility and the society.Amoy follows "Eight corporate cultures and commitments".

Glad to take up social responsibility
Good working environment is the key to success
Trust and respect, bringing confidence and passion
Encourage employees to have a healthy and balanced life
Advocate harmonious relations
Keep the brand up-to-date, value the career opportunity of employees
Frank communication to build trust
Encourage the creativity of employees and opt for quality


In 1908, Amoy starts the production of the first bottle of soy sauce in Xiamen, China. A century after this, Amoy has become one of the most reputable manufacturers of soy, sauces and frozen foods throughout Asia. You will be able to find Amoy products in both retail and catering, while we are Hong Kong made, Hong Kong Taste, with distribution in global markets.

Amoy is passionate about bringing enjoyment to our global customers by creating the most delicious and reliable food products that continuously meet customers’ changing needs. Amoy specially selected the finest ingredients from trusted sources, with up-to-date quality manufacturing processes, to ensure we deliver to our consumers the highest quality food products, convenient to use, healthy and delicious enjoyment, in meeting our global consumers’ expectations on joyful eating experience in “Enjoying Quality Food Brings Perfect Smiles!”

Amoy is dedicated in being a Corporate Citizen contributing to the community in creating a better environment for the generations to come. Amoy has developed a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan to Amoy’s long term CSR development. Amoy obtained ISO 14001 since 2013 and also partners with multiple Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) to drive on activities that we can involve Amoy employees to create values to the community, to Amoy’s stakeholders. On the other hand, Amoy strives on continuous improvements in manufacturing processes to enhance on measures in protecting the environment while manufacturing healthy products to our customers

We value your feedbacks and welcome you to write to us.

Environmental Protection

A) Developing Renewable Energy - Solar Power

In order to reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from power generation on air pollution, Amoy has invested significant resources in development the using of renewable energy at our plants instead of using the traditional one. Two sets of solar power generation facilities with a total capacity of 400 kilowatts have been installed at the Tai Po factory, which is expected to reduce approximately 183 metric tons* of carbon emissions annually.

*According to CLP's "2022 Sustainability Report," the electricity sold by CLP in Hong Kong in 2022 had an emission factor of 0.39 kilograms of CO2e per kilowatt-hour. Based on the calculation of Amoy's solar power generation equipment producing approximately 470,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, it can reduce emissions by approximately 183,300 kilograms of CO2e annually.

Solar Power Facility – Frozen Food Factory

Solar Power Facility – Frozen Food Factory

Solar Power Facility – Sauce Factory

Solar Power Facility – Sauce Factory

B) Food Waste/Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Co-digestion Trial Scheme

Amoy is committed to collaborating with the Environmental Protection Department in developing food waste management solutions. Since 2018, we have participated in the "Food Waste/Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Co-digestion Trial Scheme”. Each year, we provide over 1,500 tons of food waste to the nearby food waste pre-treatment facility operated by the Environmental Protection Department for conversion into energy.

Food Waste/Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Co-digestion Trial Scheme

C) Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial Waste

In 2023, we participated in the Environmental Protection Department's "Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial Waste“. We strengthened the current recycling mechanisms in order to further enhance and encourage colleagues to develop good recycling habits.

Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial Waste

Social Responsibility

A) Hong Kong Top Brand Mark

Hong Kong Brand Development Council
HK Top Brand Mark (Top Mark) – Ordinary & Premier Mark

Hong Kong Top Brand Mark (Top Mark)

“Amoy” has been conferred the right to use Hong Kong Top Brand Logo (TOP Mark) for more than 15 years, Hong Kong Top Brand (2003), Hong Kong Premier Brand (2005).

B) Caring Company

Hong Kong Council of Social Services
15 Years Plus “Caring Company” Logo

Caring Company

Amoy is delighted to be recognized as a “Caring Company” since 2008 and awarded the “15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo” by the Hong Kong Council of Social Services.

C) Donation/Sponsorship - Food Angel

Food Angel
Certificate Of Appreciation

Food Angel Certificate Of Appreciation

In 2023, Amoy has donated over 10,000 kg of food to Food Angel which truly illustrate the Goal - “Waste Not, Hunger Not, With Love”. We work together with Food Angel to reduce food waste and deliver loving care to those in need of food assistance.

C) Donation/Sponsorship - Feeding Hong Kong

Feeding Hong Kong
Certificate Of Appreciation for Food Donation

Food Angel Certificate Of Appreciation

In 2023, Amoy has donated 6,964 kg of food to Feeding Hong Kong which is equivalent to 16,195 meals.

C) Donation/Sponsorship - Tai Po District Youth Volunteer Group

Tai Po District Youth Volunteer Group - Steering Committee on Tai Po District Youth Network Activities
Certificate Of Appreciation for Gift Donation

Tai Po District Youth Volunteer Group - Steering Committee on Tai Po District Youth Network Activities

C) Donation/Sponsorship - Hong Kong St.John Ambulance Brigade Band

Hong Kong St.John Ambulance Brigade Band – Health Promotion Day (N.T.) 2023
Certificate Of Appreciation for Gift Donation

Donation/Sponsorship - Hong Kong St.John Ambulance Brigade Band

D) Social Service - Evangelical Lutheran Church

Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong
Good Deed Dating 2021

Good Deed Dating 2021
Good Deed Dating 2021
Visiting the Grassroots household

Amoy and Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service has begun the cooperation in 2008 and awarded the “12 Years Plus Good Deed Dating”. During festival, Amoy has participated in ELC (Tai Wo)’s event – Visiting the Grassroots household, to express “Amoy's Heartfelt Wishes".

E) Social Participation - World Food Rescue Week 2024


Amoy supports Food Angel "World Food Rescue Week 2024".

At Amoy We Care

On the foundation of Amoy's "Eight cultures and commitments", the corporate developed the culture of "at amoy we Care". This confirms and demonstrates the care of the corporate to every aspect, including the following.

To concern about the health of their employees as well as their family. It also provides trainings and helps developing the abilities of its employees. This enables their employees to have an all-round development.
Amoy is dedicated to implement "3R plan" (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in our business. To implement environmental protection policies, Amoy established the post of "environmental protection ambassador" to setup, manage, implement and review the environmental protection policies of all the different factory buildings to attain the corporate production goal of "zero emission".
Customers and Consumers
To provide its customers and consumers with safe, quality, healthy, delicious and creative products.
To gain reasonable profit and to maintain the growth of its business to increase the return of investments of the shareholders.
Cooperative Partners
To establish fair trade regulations to provide its partners with fair and open cooperative environment.
Local Communities
To help the needy and the development of society by setting up a team of volunteers "Amoy Life Angel" to engage in social community services, the corporate also supports many different community activities, charities and public welfare events.

Latest Advertising


Promotion booth schdule - Sauce
Promotion booth schdule - Frozen Food